Case Study

Custom built crowdfunding platform

We were approached by the startup to design and build a crowdfunding platform.

Did we say yes?

Of course we did! Working with a start-up, to help other start-ups raise capital is right in our sweet spot.

Custom built Crowdfunding platform

The client facilitates the crowdfunding process for Australian businesses and investors. Their focus is on 100% Australian start-ups.  

"This is amazing - love the layout - and the colours etc - looks incredibly neat and professional."

MEGAN - Head of Equity Crowdfunding

crowdfunding logo

The problem needed their own custom built web application to manage the strict regulations and requirements set out by the Australian government. 

The solution

A custom web app that helps facilitate the whole process, from registration, campaign building and education, investor registration, collection and distribution of funds.

Branding & Identity

After discussing the vision of the business with the founders, we were tasked with creating the brand for The goal was to create an identity that was modern, clean and professional. The goal was to have something memorable but that didn’t overpower the other brands that would be on display.

The User Interface  also need to hold its own, but not outshine the businesses that would be raising funds through the website.

Marketing Website

The marketing website needed to speak to both Founder and Investor in a clear, professional manner. We provided clear pathways and educational pages that guided both parties through their specific journey. 

Web App Key Features

  • Integrated an onboarding and fraud detection platform to fully verify all individual and business investors.
  • Built the ability to run entire campaigns easily through an admin interface.
  • Integrated direct bank transfer payments with automatic reconciliation.
  • Created a simple investment process that takes 2 minutes.
Crowdfunding Investment Management


Tailwind CSS