Unbiased Digital Consulting
Italics Bold is your digital consultant to help with your current digital projects and campaigns. You might have hired another digital agency to develop or design your project but really require help understanding elements and cutting through the digital jargon.
Some clients contact us as they can’t seem to get the answers (or motivation!) from their current developers that their business requires and projects are taking too long.
Digital Consultant Gold Coast
As consultants we share our expertise and knowledge to help your business reach those digital goals and solve problems on current or upcoming projects. Many businesses hire consultants to help project manage and cut through the ‘foreign language’ associated with digital projects. We can meet with you face to face on the Gold Coast or set up a teleconference if you are interstate. We are here to help.
Digital Consulting Scenarios
Let us assist and clarify these and many other scenarios as digital consultants:
- Your business is executing a digital campaign but you aren’t sure how to analyse the statistics to ensure it’s working to its full effect
- The time frame for the development of a management tool, mobile application or website is taking a lot longer than you had forecast
- You have an in-house I.T and web design Gold Coast department however your business needs certain development expertise for an upcoming mobile application or similar project
- The relationship with current developers is becoming difficult
Digital Strategy
Paid on an hourly basis, our consultancy work is flexible to suit your budget. We step in and work with your current digital contacts to improve particular components. We can offer training in software programs, provide advice, make recommendations and sort out those pesky problems to bring your budget back into check.
Dedicated Digital Consultants
We offer you time on a consultancy basis to take a look and report the intricacies of the project and then ascertain where it can be improved. In many scenarios we find clients save time when we step in as consultants to assist with pushing the project ahead and knowing what questions to ask.